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– Research and Development on Aloe-vera.

Department of Dravyaguna
S.No. Student Name Synopsis Topic Guide/Co-Guide Name, Designation & Experience
01 Dr. Shalini Arya To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Daruharidra (berberis Aristata) on Sthaulya Guide:-Dr. Kanu Ohri, Professor, 11 Years
02 Dr. Sangeeta Nehra A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Bilvapatra (Aegle Marmelus(L.) Correa in Ojas Dosha (Visramsa and Vayapad) w.s.r of HIV-I (Primary, 1and 2) Patients receiving Antiretroviral therapy (ART) Guide:-Dr. Kanu Ohri, Professor, 11 Years Dr. Vijal Dahiya, Medical Superintendent, 21 years
02 Dr. Harsh Sehgal Clinical efficacy of Kalamegha (Andrographis Paniculata(Burm.F.) wall. Ex.Nees) In Vatarakta (Gout) Guide:-Dr. Kanu Ohri, Professor, 11 Years Guide:-Dr. Sanandan Thapliyal, Lecturer, approx 5years
Department of Swasthvaritta & Yoga
01 Dr. Mohit Monga A clinical study of management of Artavakashaya through Aahara-Yogana and Yoga-Padhti Guide:-Dr.Seema Jain, Professor, Approx. 19 Years Co-Guide:-Dr. Vinish Gupya, Reader, Approx. 7 Years
02 Dr. Mayank Anmol A Critical analysis of Pathya Ahara Kalpna w.s.r to Charak Chikitsa Guide:-Dr. Vinish Gupya, Reader, Approx. 7 Years
03 Dr. Krishan Yadav A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Raktachandanadi Mukhlepa & Yoga in the management of Vyanga w.s.r to Hypermelanosis Guide:-Dr. Seema Jain, Professor, Approx. 19 Years
04 Dr. Ranjan Goyal A comparative study of Pathya Ahara Sewana and Madhudaka on Sthaulya. Guide:-Dr. Satya Manav Dayal, Professor, Approx.11 Years
05 Dr. Nishant Bhatnagar To study the effect of Vataanulomniya Yavagu in management of Adharmiya Vega w.s.r Purishvegavrodhajanya Roga. Guide:-Dr. Satya Manav Dayal, Professor, Approx.11 Years
Department of Maulik Siddhanta
01 Dr. Rohit Kumar Singh Brihattryi me Varnit Adharniya Vego Evam Unse Uttapan Rogo ka Vishleshnatmaka Addhyan Guide:- Rakesh Jain, Professor, Approx. 19 Years
02 Dr. Niharika Arora A conceptual study to evaluate the efficacy of Pushyanug Churna in Pittaja Yonivyapada as described in Charak Samhita Guide:- Rakesh Jain, Professor, Approx. 19 Years
03 Dr. Nutan a conceptual study on rajo nivritti janya vikara (post menopausal syndrome) and its management as described in brihattryi Guide:- Rakesh Jain, Professor, Approx. 19 Years
Department of Agadtantra evam Vyavhar Ayurved
01 Dr. Sachin Aclinical comprrarative study of the efficacy of arka tailam and karveeradya tailam in pama w.s.r scabies Guide:-Dr. Umesh Shukla, Professor, 36 Years Co-Guide:-Dr. Deepak Sohgoura, Reader, Approx. 8 Years
02 Dr. Santosh Kumar Effect of lakshaadi lepa in management of mukhdushika Guide:-Dr. Umesh Shukla Professor, 36 Years
03 Dr. Bhagwan Nautiyal A clinical study of manashiladi lepa in the management of kustha rog w.s.r to vicharchika Guide:-Dr S.M Diwedi, Professor, Approx. 25 Years